Copper Distributed Data The head distribution is different in the two layers. 两层中的水头分布不同。
Methods: Clinical data of116 patients with head injury coexisting acute alcoholism were studied retrospectively. 回顾性分析116例急性酒精中毒合并颅脑损伤的临床资料。
Knowledge's acquisition method based on simulated data for driving head of hydraulic drill 基于仿真数据的钻机动力头设计知识获取方法
Based on the test data, head loss equation could be determined by fitting the relationship between friction coefficient and Reynolds number, which would supply parameters for equipment selection and process design. 由试验数据可拟合出摩擦系数和雷诺数的关系,得到水头损失公式,进而为设备选型和工艺设计提供参数。
MCU can control Bluetooth module by HCI command, and it dispose the sending data by frame head of additional Bluetooth data, then it will send the data to Bluetooth module and send them out through simulate serial port. 单片机通过HCI指令控制蓝牙模块,对发出的数据进行附加蓝牙数据帧头处理,通过模拟串口发给蓝牙并发射出去。
Header compression technique of the PDCP protocol can be used to send information and decrease header overhead in the 3rd generation mobile communication system efficiently. DATA& INFORMATION head continuous with body; PDCP中的数据头压缩技术,可以在第三代移动通信系统中有效地传输数据,降低头开销。
The system has great applicable value because it can not only transfer, record and display data of the radar data-forming equipment fast and conveniently, but also judge the errors of data frame head and frame length. 该系统不但可以快速方便的传输、记录及显示雷达数据形成分机的数据,还具有判断数据帧头错误、帧长度错误的功能。
Methods: The retrospective analysis was adopted in clinical data and head MRI of81 patients with brain cysticercosis. 方法:对81例脑囊尾蚴病患者的临床资料和头颅MRI进行回顾性分析。
Building soil hydraulic parameters automatically and inputting data of initial water content or data of initial water head in soil profile are supported. 软件经过严格测试,运行可靠、操作方便。WMTrace支持土壤水分动力学参数数学表达式的动态创建,并允许输入剖面含水量或土水势分布数据作为模拟的初始条件。
Conclusion These data suggest that selective head cooling with mild systemic hypothermia in neonates with HIE is safe during 72 h therapy. 结论SHC结合全身轻度低温72h治疗足月新生儿HIE是可行的和安全的。
Data Detection Methods VS Head Resolution in Digital Magnetic Recording 数字磁记录的数据检测方法与磁头分辨率的关系
An Improved Algorithm for a 3 D Data Compression of Human Head Surface 一种改进的三维表面数据压缩方法
The experiment shows that this method of measuring the head loss of the Filter and the Adsorption Bed can offer more accurate data of the head loss for practical engineering design. 实验证明,该方法可为实际工程设计提供较为准确的水头损失数据。
Methods: Retrospectively analyzing the data of head CT examine and laboratory test of blood glucose in 187 aged persons. 方法:对187例60~90岁的老年人的体检、头颅CT检查和血糖化验结果进行回顾性分析。
Manchester code was used in data coding, each frame of data included synchronous head, valid data bits and cyclic redundancy parity bits. 数据的编码采用了曼彻斯特编码格式,每帧数据包括同步头、有效数据位和冗余校验位三部分。
It constructs a relation between the analyzed data of well head and mud ditch drilling fluid, and relation between them and whole hydrocarbon value examination while drilling. 建立了井口和泥浆槽钻井液全脱分析数据之间的关系,同时建立了它们与随钻检测全烃值之间的关系;
Method Raw data of human head were acquired and filtered, a linear regression equation was formulated, and a parameter model was established. 方法通过头部原始数据获取和清理、头部尺寸线性回归方程的建立、头部参数化模型的实现等方面的研究,寻找人体参数化模型的建立方法。
After the test data under some typical head being trained, the characteristic curve at any head can be calculated quickly. 通过对有限水头下原型效率试验数据的训练,可快速准确地计算任意水头下的效率特性曲线。
Methods The CT data of head and neck region of the first Chinese visible human were processed with Siemens 3 D Virtuoso VA ( R2.6) software in SGI Graphics Computer Workstation. 方法将首例中国可视化人体头颈部的轴位断层CT图像(层厚1mm,连续扫描),应用SiemensCRT3.0图像处理软件在SGIGraphics计算机工作站上进行三维重建和观察。
Clustering algorithm is a way of managing the network. A cluster consists of cluster heads and many cluster members which send data to cluster head. 分簇算法是一种网络管理方式,簇由簇头和簇成员组成。
Through cluster members report data, the cluster head makes data aggregation and uses the weighted centroid algorithm based on received signal strength indication to localization, then wakes up neighbor nodes and asks the nodes to participate in tracking through the cluster head forecasts the next position. 通过簇成员节点的汇报数据,簇首节点进行数据聚合,采用基于接收信号强度指示的加权质心定位算法进行目标定位,并预测下一时刻位置,以唤醒邻居信标节点参与跟踪。
A tree-like structure is established among cluster heads. The data in cluster head is transmitted along this structure. LEACH-CET在簇头之间建立了一个树状结构,簇头的数据传输将沿着这个结构发送,使得传输距离大量缩短。
Ordinary nodes amass information in the network and data to the cluster head node. 普通节点感知网络中的信息并将数据传送给簇首节点。
Radar data playback. The head of each data frame has the reception time interval with the previous frame. The time interval would as clock cycle when replay data. It help to reappearance the real air-status. 3. 在每个数据帧的头部附加与前一数据帧的接收时间间隔,作为回放该帧数据的时钟周期,从而在回放时精准重现雷达数据时序间隔;3.双机数据同步功能。
In inter-cluster routing, CREED includes a multipath routing protocol to guarantee reliable data delivery from cluster head to sink. This protocol allocates traffic to multiple paths according to nodes 'residual energy and path hops to balance energy consumption among different paths. 在簇间,本文提出一种多路径路由协议,该协议根据节点的剩余能量以及路径跳步数在多条路径间分配流量,均衡全网能耗。
All the patients have both blood and urina auxiliary examination data, head CT exam results and complete case histories. 所有患者均有血、尿等实验室检查资料、头颅CT检查结果、完整的病史记录。
The external load of main reducer is obtained through the torque data of cutter head from the STM control system. 利用盾构机监控系统采集的掘进过程中刀盘承受的扭矩数据,得到主减速器的外部载荷。